gradesI use a Scholar’s default grade scale (no rounding). Specific grading guidelines will be provided for each assignment.

Grade Scale Description
A  93–100
A- 90–92.99
Excellent, outstanding work that

  • exceeds requirements for the assignment.
  • demonstrates originality and mastery of the objectives or material.
  • addresses audience, purpose, and voice with expertise through the savvy use of rhetorical strategies.
  • contains no errors in grammar, spelling, or mechanics.
B+ 87–89.99
B  83–86.99
B- 80–82.99
Good to very good work that

  • meets all requirements for the assignment.
  • demonstrates above-average insight and a thorough understanding of the objectives or material.
  • addresses audience, purpose, and voice well with the appropriate use of specific rhetorical strategies.
  • contains only minor errors in grammar, spelling, or mechanics.
C+ 77–79.99
C  73–76.99
C- 70–72.99
Satisfactory or fair work that

  • meets most of the requirements for the assignment.
  • demonstrates a basic understanding of the objectives or material, but relies on generic or predictable techniques.
  • addresses most aspects of audience, purpose, and voice with rhetorically-appropriate strategies.
  • contains several minor errors in grammar, spelling, or mechanics.
D+ 67–69.99
D  63–66.99
D- 60–62.99
Fair to poor work that

  • meets some, but not all, of the requirements for the assignment.
  • demonstrates a partial understanding of the objectives or material.
  • addresses some aspects of audience, purpose, and voice, and/or inconsistently uses rhetorical strategies.
  • contains one or two major errors in grammar, spelling, or mechanics.
F 59.99 & below Unacceptable work that is flawed by one or more of the following characteristics:

  • does not meet the requirements of the assignment.
  • demonstrates little understanding of the objectives or material.
  • fails to address audience, purpose, and/or voice and/or uses rhetorical strategies incompletely or incorrectly.
  • contains several major errors in grammar, spelling, or mechanics.